Dr. Deepa Mishra: Guiding profound healing through compassionate understanding.


How to Change Your Belief  -1

How to Change Your Belief -1

Before I start with how to change your belief, I want to write about what a belief is and when and why it is essential to change a belief and belief system.

What is BELIEF -
 A belief is an idea or principle which we judge to be true.
 an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without or maybe with some proof. 
A belief system is a collection of interconnected beliefs supporting one another.
 The subject matter can be categorised as Religious, Philosophical, Ideological, or a mixture of these.

Have you ever thought:-

  • What makes one boss and another servant …?
  • What causes someone persist when most of others give up …?
  • What creates a difference between Happiness and desperation …?
  • What causes a person to focus and utilise all their resources towards a goal …?
  • Why is someone just craving while another is getting everything as desired …?

It’s all belief 
Lives are routinely sacrificed or saved based simply on what one believes.
Whatever you feel and believe, you can do or cannot do. You are right anyway, my friend.
But when we come to know about this reality that our beliefs are the ones that are making us fall or rise, that time we are at the stage where it seems really very difficult to change our belief or belief system.

So now here is the solution of your difficulty:

First, change the way you think about belief and reality.
If you think your beliefs and reality are fixed, then you cannot change.
A belief is a thought that you keep thinking and looking for proof, and the universe makes it manifest, then you believe it is reality.
Belief is an assumed reality or truth.

For example, if you desire a perfect relationship and you believe you don’t deserve it, it will not happen. So, for an ideal relationship, your desire to have an excellent relationship and the belief that you deserve it must align up and meet for you to have a perfect relationship.

Our greatest power is in being able to consciously and deliberately change our beliefs and become the deliberate creators of our own life and relations.

For example, if you have a belief that speaking in public is superficial, root cause of that belief is because you feel you are not a good speaker. That is your belief, but if you understand and tell yourself, “Oh! That is just my belief and not the reality”, that will help decrease the negative energy and give you power to get rid of that particular belief that you are not good enough.
In your subjective reality, let’s assume nothing is confirmed.

Beliefs are not true or false; they are either beneficial or detrimental. Make a list of those beliefs which are helpful and harmful.
Once you decide, you do it.

It sounds simple but does require some work

To change your belief, you need to change your viewpoint.
Create your reality once again as you wish.